Environmental Justice

States are facing environmental issues that have the potential to affect communities of color and low-income communities disproportionately and fatally. Effects from state action on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) guidelines for the Clean Power Plan and fracking, trickle down to vulnerable communities and could help combat an overwhelming obstacle to toxic free environments and resulting health issues.

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Economic Justice

So what is economic justice? Economic justice is about the attainment of rightful access to basic financial and material resources and opportunities. The key words are RIGHTFUL and BASIC. Rightful, because each individual has a right to reach the pinnacle of their potential and that right is facilitated by having access to economic stability.

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Bias in the media

How can the Hollywood machine change course in order to fix deleterious views of people of color? One way is to address the lack of diversity behind the camera. Increasing the number of minority talent agents, talent scouts, directors, and the like, can increase the number of minority actors.

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TREE has in person and web-based programming to uplift the voices of Black and Brown youth.

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